
Foto: Seniorchef Otmar bei der Filtration im Weinkeller Weingut Graf von Weyher Pfalz

Some statistics say that moving is the second most stressful thing you can do in your life. (The most stressful is a divorce, but that's not our topic today.) In fact, there are very few people who like moving. No wonder, since everything is being shaken to its foundations and rearranged.

Wine is no different: the more often it moves from barrel A to barrel B, the worse its mood becomes. Because it too is torn from its beauty sleep, shaken up, forced through narrow tubes and has to get used to its new surroundings.

Well, says the clever winemaker, we'll just let the wine slumber wonderfully in the cellar and not disturb it. But it's not quite that simple (that was obvious)...

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Foto:die großen Nasen

There are people who earn their living by sniffing. This is not surprising when it comes to dogs, but when it comes to people, people stop and think. In France, for example, you are a highly paid celebrity if you can call yourself a " grand nez " - because that's the people who compose perfumes.

For a sommelier and winemaker, the nose is also a tool, and a cold means that the person is completely unable to work. We need to find out at some point whether our health insurance companies understand and accept this. Because before it reaches the palate, the " bouquet " of the wine is detected by the nose. Bouquet is French and means...

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Bild: Roséwein vs. Weisswein Weingut Graf von Weyher Pfalz

Laypeople often think that rosé wine is simply a mixture of red and white wine. Wrong. To explain how it is made, we first have to take a closer look at the differences between red and white wine.

At first glance, it seems quite simple: white wine is made from the white (probably greenish-yellow) grapes, and red wine is made from the red (actually bluish-violet) grapes. But that is only partially true. It is actually possible to create a visually light wine from a red wine. But how does that work?

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