
Our winery

A part of us
Vineyard with a tailwind

Our company, which has been family-owned for generations, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The generation change that has just taken place has certainly contributed to this - because since father Otmar received active reinforcement from his sons Peter and Jürgen, the winery has been showered with important awards. The highlight so far: 1st place in the international competition "Best of Riesling" in which over 2,000 wines from all over the world were tasted.

passion for generations

In contrast to blue blood, wine has been flowing through the veins of the Counts of Weyher for generations. To be more precise, the origin of viticulture can be traced back to 1788. At that time Jakob (at that time still) Weidmann was the first cellar master of the former Weyher winegrowers' cooperative to transform the grapes into wine. The initially small but growing business flourished until the outbreak of the Second World War. A short time later, the great-great-grandchildren Rosemarie and Otto decided to continue the family tradition.

Die Winzer



Peter is our wine freak.
He spends hours struggling with the perfect balance of the wines, ensuring fun in the glass. The experience that the trained wine oenologist was able to collect as a "flying winemaker" in renowned wineries around the world is helpful here.



As a senior boss, the trained
Master vintners always have an overview of the winery. But he prefers to take care of our customers and guests on site with Palatinate humor and warm hospitality. Whether at a wine tasting or in the bar: his good mood and laughter are highly contagious.



Jürgen takes care of everything that happens in the winery, except for the wine production itself. As a graduate in wine management, he organizes the sale of the wines, the bar and wine festivals - and whatever else is necessary to keep the shop running.


"In Vino Veritas - There is truth in wine. And the truth is: high-quality wine tastes best when you know where it comes from.”

Uncle Otto, viticulture engineer

Unsere Weine

Unsere Weine sind ein Teil von uns: ein echtes Stück Pfälzer Heimat. Die Trauben wachsen in Weinbergen rund um das Weingut, das zwischen Biosphären-Reservat Pfälzer Wald und dem Rhein eingebettet ist. Dieses idyllische Fleckchen Erde bietet nicht nur spektakuläre Ausblicke in die Weite der Rheinebene, sondern liefert hervorragende Bedingungen für den Weinbau. Sonnenverwöhnt, aber dennoch in der Nähe des Pfälzer Waldes, dessen ausgleichende Kühle für die nötige Balance unserer Weine sorgt.

Unsere Weinberge mit ihren schweren, mineralstoffreichen Böden in Kombination mit handwerklicher und naturnaher Bearbeitung sind das Erfolgsgeheimnis für unsere Weine. Und dennoch: den finalen Feinschliff erhalten die Weine bei der späteren Verarbeitung im Keller. Bei der individuellen Vinifizierung wird der eigene Charakter der Trauben herausgearbeitet und in Balance gebracht. Dabei entstehen Tropfen für jeden Anlass und Gaumen – vom leichten, unkomplizierten Trinkspaß bis zum vollaromatischen, intensiv-komplexen Geschmackserlebnis.

premium wines

Special occasions require special wines! Our gold capsules only contain the best wines with the strongest character and from the top locations Weyherer Michelberg and Burrweiler Altenforst. Their taste clearly reflects their origin and terroir, which makes them particularly interesting for wine connoisseurs. With their intense taste and strong body, they are excellent
Food accompaniment to various festive dishes and special ones

pleasure wines

Our gourmet wines offer expressive aromas and a harmonious taste balance. They convince on every occasion and almost every palate out there. Perfect for a relaxed evening with friends or for daily enjoyment for discerning wine connoisseurs.

bottled wines

The Schoppen wines are our delicious companions for uncomplicated enjoyment and the daily mood for wine. True to the motto: "Come home, put your feet up, open the bottle!"

Unsere Weinberge

Unsere Lagen sind das Fundament für unsere hochwertigen Weine. Daher kümmern wir uns mit größter Sorgfalt tagtäglich um unsere Rebstöcke. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und hohe Expertise macht es möglich auf die Bedürfnisse unserer einzelnen Weinbergslagen einzugehen.

Das Ergebnis lesen wir im Herbst: Gesunde und reife Trauben. Daraus machen wir wunderbare Weine, die uns und vielen weiteren Menschen Freude bereiten.


Burrweiler Aging Forest

Steep, rocky and dry

Weyher Michelsberg


Weinfeste und Gutsausschank

Als echte Pfälzer haben wir generell viel Spaß am Feiern. Für uns heisst das alte Freunde zu treffen, neue Menschen kennenzulernen und dabei jede Menge gute Laune zu verbreiten. Natürlich wird auch das ein oder andere Glas Wein oder Schorle getrunken. Zum Essen gibt es bodenständige und saisonale Speisen aus regionalen Zutaten. So geht es meist bis in den frühen Morgen…

Besucht uns doch mal und feiert mit uns! Dafür bieten sich zahlreiche besondere Gelegenheiten: Das Weinfest in Weyher, die Veranstaltung „Weinpanorama“ in einzigartiger Lage mitten in den Weinbergen oder ganz einfach während unserem regulären Hof-Ausschank. Und falls mal bei uns alle Zimmer belegt sein sollten findet ihr hier noch weitere Unterkünfte in Weyher.

wine festivals

The people of the area know how to combine simplicity and an enjoyable life in an authentic way. A good glass of wine is of course a constant companion. But it's best to convince yourself! In addition to its legendary wines, Weyher also offers a large number of restaurants and guest rooms. Of course you can also stay overnight at the winery!

find wine festival

good bar

A look beyond the international horizon brings important inspiration and new know-how. The icing on the cake is the Filipino-Canadian-Palatinate fusion cuisine, which we have been able to win for the winery since 2019 with Kristine's Lamesa . With her unusual but always delicious recipes, inspired by all over the world, Kristine shows that the Palatinate can do more than just canned sausage and Saumagen.

opening hours


Visit us and experience the well-known Palatinate hospitality and lots of wine culture live on site. In addition to regional dishes and wines, medieval castles such as the Rietburg invite you to explore. The Palatinate Forest in the immediate vicinity offers hikers and cyclists countless routes for nature experiences.

Inquire now