
Bild: Cover WeinGeplauder - Das Buch

WeinGeplauder: ungefiltert, direkt aus dem Leben. Mit beiden Füßen tief in der Pfälzer Erde, die Hände klebrig von Traubensaft, den Kopf voller Ideen und das Herz randvoll, genau wie die Gläser.

Dies ist kein Lehrbuch.
Dies ist kein Weinführer.
Dies ist ein Stück Pfälzer Winzerleben.

Willkommen in der Pfalz.
Willkommen in Tradition & Moderne.
Willkommen beim WeinGeplauder.

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Bild: Schiefer Riesling trocken Burrweiler Altenforst Weingut Graf von Weyher Pfalz

Denn unser hochwertiger und kostbarer Lagenriesling kommt JETZT auf den Markt – und zwar – die Kenner werden es wissen – nicht der aus 2023, oh, nein! Es sind die Trauben aus der Ernte 2022 … denn der Riesling, der edle, der feine, der gute, ist ein echter Spätzünder. Er muss ruhen, ruhen, und noch einmal ruhen. Und reifen. Nur so entfaltet er sein Aroma. DANN erst ist er bereit für den Genuss.

Doch selbst damit ist noch nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange erreicht, was die Aromaentfaltung angeht. Denn auch in der Flasche geht es weiter … und deshalb haben wir unsere Schatzkammer eingerichtet! Hier könnt Ihr die verschiedenen Jahrgänge durchprobieren – und damit eine Geschmackszeitreise im Zeitraffer vornehmen, die seinesgleichen sucht.

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Foto: Cannes Film Festival - German films - Granit Riesling trocken Weingut Graf von Weyher Germany

Our virtual Hall of Fame is a hero's podium & trophy showcase substitute. Because the Riesling awards that we have received in recent years are impressive (even if we say so ourselves). To be completely honest: We didn't expect that when we changed our focus a good 10 years ago!

Olympic champions win gold medals, football teams win huge trophies and winemakers receive… certificates. Something's wrong! It would be a Riesling cup made of pure gold, we can already see it in front of us: half a meter high, decorated with vine tendrils and delicate bunches of grapes, ice-cold, filled with a wonderful Graf Granit single-vineyard Riesling ... Oh yes.

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Riesling Teil 1 - Herkunft

The Riesling claims about 59,805 hectares of vineyards worldwide. Of this, a good 24,812 hectares (approx. 40%) are cultivated in Germany, and here in turn is the largest area in the Palatinate with around 6,000 hectares - and the trend is rising. Because the demand for German Riesling is increasing.

The Riesling vine has an extremely sensitive reaction to its surroundings - and by that we actually mean the rock on which the vineyard rests! Because even if all other parameters (grape variety, expansion, alcohol content, etc.) are identical, the wines taste completely different, depending on the soil or rock on which they were allowed to grow.

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Riesling Teil 2 - Geschichte

The name Riesling was mentioned for the very first time in a letter dated March 13, 1435, what it was... an invoice! Klaus Klein Fisch (nice name) calculated Count Johann IV von Katzenelnbogen (even nicer!) various Riesling vines that were planned for his newly built castle in Rüdesheim in the Rheingau. You can therefore enter March 13th in your calendar as #rieslingbirthday !

The Riesling grapes are comparatively small, and their frost resistance and long ripening period indicate a relationship with wild vines . In addition to the taste, this robustness and adaptability to the northern (continental) climate were certainly the main reasons why the sovereigns in the 17th and 18th centuries recommended Riesling at the highest level. These included the electors of the Palatinate (clever men).

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